How long do I usually wear braces?
2021-03-15 16:33:12

When wearing the orthodontic appliance for the first time or every time after the treatment is strengthened, the patient will feel a little soreness within two or three days. These slight discomforts can be tolerated by most people and disappear quickly. It is caused by orthodontic treatment. Normal reaction, no need to worry. As for diet, during the treatment period, do not eat hard foods, such as (bones, hard cores) and sticky foods. When eating, move lightly to prevent the brackets from falling off. After the treatment is completed, you can eat normally.

Generally, the time required for orthodontic treatment is about one and a half to two years, but because everyone's situation is different, the specific correction time will also vary. It is mainly related to the following factors: the age of the patient, the complexity of the malocclusion, the treatment system selected, and the degree of cooperation of the patient. As long as you cooperate well with the doctor, follow up on time, maintain oral hygiene, and protect the appliance from being damaged or falling off. Then, the time for orthodontic treatment will be greatly shortened.

The time of wearing braces is not fixed. Active care and maintenance, and careful cleaning can shorten the time of wearing braces.